
Showing posts from May, 2019

Louder Than A Bomb: The Badass Poets

Poetry slam! Slam Poetry! Whatever you wanna call it! It’s an upgrade from Shakespeare-fans trying to emulate the old masters and a step below rap-inspired young buhls trying to release their first track. If you're not familiar, poetry slams are just dramatic recitals of poems judged by an array of judges or audience members who have their own experience in the industry. A Chicago-original poetry festival called “Louder Than A Bomb” starting bringing Slam poetry to the entertainment industry by storm. Now I’m aware this festival started in 2001 so before any comments and tells me I wrote this review a good 18 years too late, well not my fault because I was 3 years old at the time… Anyway, “Louder Than A Bomb”; even that name sounds like an epic festival where loud bald bearded guys brag about the weapon grade of their assault rifles and trying to arm-wrestle about it. That’s not what it is but I’m just trying to say that it sounds badass. And that’s because it is, because poetry ...

Benjamin Netanyahu Scores A Fifth Term

Benjamin Netanyahu, brother of Jonathan Netanyahu who heroically fought in the rescue operation against Idi Amin in Uganda in 1976, has won a fifth term as the Prime Minister of Israel this past April. Netanyahu's taken the face of Israeli politics for well over a decade now and his political history has been covered in controversy, tainted by the crisis of the Israeli-Palestinian civil war. Netanyahu's name became synonymous with terrorism, fraud, and greed. The U.S. has openly funded money to Israel for years now to justify the U.N.'s decision to declare Israel a country in 1945 and fulfill of Herzl's dream of restoring the Jewish state. Under Netanyahu's persuasion, the U.S. funded $3.1 billion to Israel alone, under the pretense of foreign military aid. Historic events have happened under Netanyahu's reign. The formation of the Hezbollah, a jihadist group settled in Lebanon that despises the Israeli state, which actually just recently called out Israel...